Whilst I can’t wait for those long, lazy, hazy days of summer, the lingering smell of sunscreen in the air, a never ending pile of flip flops (how can we have so many?), trips to the beach, back yard slip and slides and lazing around relishing the fact that there is little to rush to, I have to be honest and admit to being just a little bit worried about it.
As much as I love the spontaneity; the wing it, whatever, sure, what will be will be days, I am a working Mom, I work from home and with the holidays on the horizon, I do get a bit stressed thinking about how I am going to juggle it all!
If this resonates with you and you are wondering how you are going to get it all done, I am here to help you. Despite my worries (I can’t help it, I’m a Mom) I do know how I am going to do it, I know what has to be done and I also know what works. I am equipped with the parenting tools I need that allow me to balance work and play and over the course of the summer and I am going to share them with you.
Starting in July, I am going to offer a Summer Parenting Cleanse.
Through my blog, for the months of July and August, I am going to help you rid yourself of some parenting habits that perhaps don’t serve you well, help you develop some new ones and help get you prepared for the juggle of summer, sand, work and play. Sound good?
There is still some time left till then so, for the next few weeks I’ll be setting this up and writing some blogs to help get you prepared.
In the meantime, it would really help me to know what your challenges will most likely be during the holidays. What are yours?
- Nagging
- Trying to juggle work and play
- Raising your voice
- Your kids not listening
- Not enough time to yourself to get your work stuff done
- Your kids leaving all their “stuff” around the house
- Kids drifting to screens whenever they are “bored” or seemingly have nothing to do
- Kids struggling to entertain themselves without you
- Others?
Please let me know of your top 3 and I’ll be sure to try and include some of them in “The Summer Parenting Cleanse”.
Stay posted and do share with your friends. I know that if I commit to doing something with a friend, like a walk or gym workout, I am more likely to commit to it.
Let’s face it, it’s easy to let our parenting slip and get off track in the summer and it’s especially easy to lose our patience with our kids when they are around all the time. Then September comes and BANG, you are hit with back to school, the wheels are off and have been for a while….
So, “Phone a Friend”, get as many of your Mom friends signed up and on board and be prepared to have the best summer ever, get some work done, tweak your parenting approaches and know that come September, there’s a good chance the wheels might still be on! Maybe slightly wobbly, but still on…
Stay tuned, next week I’ll have more information for you.
I’m excited.
Partnering You

PS. Don’t forget to send me a list of your top 5 parenting challenges.